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The Guardian Angels Member Pledge
I hereby pledge as a member of the Guardian Angels to work toward promoting community safety and betterment for the good of society overall.
I hereby pledge to come to the aid of any person in need.
I hereby pledge to respect and protect all people regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, income, political view, or sexual orientation.
I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of the Guardian Angels.
I hereby pledge that although I will wear colors only during Guardian Angels functions, I will never-the-less try to behave like a Guardian Angel at all times.
I hereby pledge to honor and uphold the just laws of the country in which I volunteer as a Guardian Angel and to honor and defend the constitution of my country of citizenship.
I hereby accept the responsibility of projecting a positive image for the people and particularly the youth of my community.
I hereby pledge to respect my fellow Guardian Angels as equals and to look out for their welfare and safety at all times.
This pledge is made with full awareness of the discipline and integrity required to fulfill these commitments. I willingly accept and agree to uphold these vows to the best of my abilities.
All Guardian Angel recruits are subjected to this pledge, successful passage of trainings, and guidelines upon becoming a member of our organization. Please add as much detail about yourself along with your resume to make the application process efficient before you're interviewed. Guardian Angels has the right to immediately remove any memeber who fails to comply with our pledge and guidelines.